Do you have problems with your dog chasing things?

Work with me to kindly teach your dog how to stay calm and focus on you instead!

What is Un-Chase!

If you’ve felt that knot in your stomach as your dog takes off towards objects or animals, Un-Chase! is for you!

Unruly chase behavior can be frustrating and embarrassing, despite how common it is. It can also be dangerous. Un-Chase! was designed to create real-life solutions for dogs who chase, and has been developed over the past 20 years to provide relief for dog owners across the world. From vehicles, livestock, pets, wildlife, and even the vacuum cleaner - Un-Chase! has proven successful with them all. 

Using reward-based methods, dogs are taught self-control around chase triggers, as well as alternative behaviors to keep them (and those around them) safe. The Un-Chase! program provides a clear, simple, and step-by-step process to tackle chase behavior, suitable for all ages and breeds.

If you’ve heard ‘nothing can stop the chasing’, I can’t wait to surprise you!

Curious about how it works?

Schedule a free 20 minute Zoom call today!

UnChase! on your schedule

Sessions are designed around your chase triggers. We will always start at your home to teach the essential skills, and then work from there!

4 sessions:

Price: $510

This package is for you if you:

  • Have one main chase trigger.

  • Have a puppy or young dog (<1 year).

  • Need help getting started on resolving this issue.

This provides you with an effective training plan and sets you up to be successful.

Over the four sessions we will work through the UnChase Protocol, focusing on management, and training your dog how to be calm around the chase trigger and give their attention to you instead (while on leash).

You will be provided with UnChase Protocol handouts relevant to your chase trigger to keep.

8 sessions:

Price: $1,200

This package is for you if:

  • Your dog has multiple or long-standing chase triggers.

  • You would like support through the full process of resolving this issue.

This package provides a lot of support, allowing for a lot of progress. It will be most beneficial for solving ingrained chase struggles.

Over the 8 sessions we will go in-depth into resolving chase issues, setting up management so your dog can be successful, teaching your dog how to be calm, give their attention to you, and do something else instead of chasing.

You will be provided with UnChase Protocol Handouts plus guidance on other training relevant to your struggle. You will receive an email follow up after each session and regular support by email during the package.

Looking for help avoiding rattlesnakes? You can find that here

Check out this video to see the difference UnChase! training can make!

Un-Chase! helps you create an awesome life with your dog, increasing freedom and trust.

The program allows you to spend less time frantically scanning the horizon for chase triggers, and more time having fun with your four-legged companion. Regardless of what your dog chases, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what motivates your dog to chase, as well as ways to tackle chasing head on.

Un-Chase! helps to:

  • Successfully manage the environment to prevent chasing and keep everyone safe

  • Provide your dog with enrichment and activities to keep them mentally and physically fulfilled

  • Reduce stress - your own and your dogs!

  • Find ways to communicate with your dog without the use of fear and punishment

  • Equip you with the tools you need to stop chase behavior in its tracks

  • Ensure everyone involved in training has a good time, including other pets, livestock and wildlife

  • Create a calmer and more harmonious home environment between all species

  • Protect precious wildlife and set a great examples to others

No time to train? Check out my day training option!


  • Licenced Un-Chase! trainers are qualified and experienced professionals who have undergone extensive training through the Un-Chase! program. Over nine weeks they engage in comprehensive lessons, live discussions, and demonstrations.

    To successfully complete the course trainers are externally assessed, including written and hands-on assessments. And the learning doesn’t end there. Un-Chase! trainers join a global network of colleagues who connect regularly to explore concepts, share ideas, and find creative solutions to challenging cases. When you work with an Un-Chase! trainer, you have the assurance of extensive and professional expertise.

  • Owners have much more success when they purchase a package of training sessions - it keeps everyone accountable! I can offer single sessions for existing clients on request.

  • it is considered professionally unethical to guarantee training results as how can you guarantee the behaviour of another living being? However I do guarantee that you will work with a highly credentialed instructor motivated to help you reach your training goals. I guarantee we’ll use only the most humane, modern, and scientifically proven positive reinforcement-based training methods to reach those goals. And I can guarantee that if you play the games you will deepen your relationship with your dog, and you will see improvement in the dog’s behavior.

  • Private Un-Chase! training provides a supportive and targeted approach to deal with your dog’s chase behavior. You will work with your trainer to identify chase triggers and formulate a plan to address current issues. Your dog will engage in safer outlets and choose alternative behaviors to chasing. Imagine, for example, your dog coming to you when he spies a squirrel or calmly ignoring a chicken. Or traffic. Or the cat. Un-Chase! private training replaces frustration and worry with confidence and peace of mind. If you’re looking for a tailored program with maximum support, private training is for you.

  • Absolutely! You can stop chase behavior before it begins! Perhaps you’ve chosen a breed with a reputation for chasing, such as a herder or sighthound. Or maybe you want your new puppy to live successfully with other animals in the home. Puppy Un-Chase! training is a smart investment for all new puppy parents. During this critical stage of development, you can support your puppy to make good choices around potential chase triggers, and learn that all the fun happens when they stick with you. Prevent your puppy from developing an unwanted chase hobby right from the start.

  • Chasing can really affect your relationship with your dog. While I can incorporate Un-Chase! into any training plan, Un-Chase! sessions are designed to focus purely on the chase struggle. Often other struggles fade away as the dog learns how to be calm and builds skills that make chase triggers seem less important.

  • It is similar, but not the same. A focus of UnChase! training is to maintain welfare of both the animal being chased and your dog. With UnChase! training we provide your dog with the skills to be calm around chase triggers, meaning the dog takes some of the responsibility from you. UnChase! training also works for non-animal chase triggers, such as skateboards, bikes, cars, or joggers!